Payment & Credit

How does Quasarplane handle resource payments and user credits..

Quasarplane comes with a billing module that enable users to be charged by the resources they consume. Due to its decentralized nature and the use of blockchain technologies, the process of billing and distributing credit across users is rather complex. When users purchase credit, they want predictability of how many resources they can expect to consume with those credits. This proves a challenge when you are working with volatile assets that are usually associated with these decentralized protocols.

To help mitigate these risks, Quasarplane will only exchange assets when absolutely required as per the user’s actions. It will be responsible for storing, securing and transacting the assets. Quasarplane contains an algorithm that defines the risk strategy that allows itself to operate efficiently and securely. User’s will not have any direct holding or management of any assets related to the direct interaction with integrated protocols. They do hold their credits and manage them as they see fit

Last modified May 12, 2024: refactor: document structure (0ffe2ac)